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It is very common for people to think that because no other animal wears clothes, being all natural and naked could be more healthy and normal for us too. But since we do live in a civilized society we mainly have the opportunity to do it at home, and the longest stretch of time when sleeping. But is it actually beneficial to sleep naked?

Heat regulation

A study suggests that one of the biggest factors to falling asleep fast and getting a good night’s sleep is having a lower core temperature. Because of this, it is safe to assume that you are better off naked sleeping in a heated room, than if you were to try to fall asleep in a cold room but with pajamas on.

If you often get overheated during the night, to the point where you have the need to throw your blankets off yourself, then sleeping naked would probably be a better option for you. This way, you don’t have any heating layers that you wouldn’t be able to take off in a half-asleep state. Instead, you can use several layers of blankets that you can remove one by one as necessary and if all else fails, sleep bare naked. If you do this then you won’t need to wake up to full consciousness to deal with the temperature issues.


A surprising benefit of sleeping naked is having your body- and self-image improve. The body positivity movement has been on the rise for several years now, and for a good reason. So if we have the option of improving the situation by simply taking off our clothes for bedtime, then why wouldn’t we?

Furthermore, a study has found that partaking in, what they call naturism, can make you have a more positive body image, therefore better self esteem, but in the long run it can also improve your life satisfaction.

Vaginal health

The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, however, it is very prone to yeast infections and just general discomfort. If you sweat a lot, or you wear tight-fitting underwear, then sleeping naked could be a better alternative, as it leaves less room for problems to arise.

Letting your privates air out, letting it breathe will not only make it a bit healthier, it can also help ease any discomfort you might have.


If you sleep next to your partner each night and you have been together for a while, then you might have discovered that the intimacy isn’t the same as in the beginning. This is perfectly fine, the honeymoon phase can’t last forever, however, a great way to bring some of those sparks back is by sleeping naked together.

It allows your skin to touch on a bigger surface, making everything feel a little more intimate, even if all you do is cuddle. This is also perfect for couples where one of you has physical touch as their love language, but the other has a severely lower libido. Naked cuddles are excellent at balancing issues like these out.

Not to mention, sleeping naked together also allows easy access. Of course, for this both of you need to consent beforehand that you are okay with one another waking you up for intimacy or just randomly touching you. It might help things feel a little more spontaneous too, which is always a plus for putting the spice back in relationships.

Male fertility

When it comes to health benefits, this one is the most obvious. Too much heat around the testicles can decrease the fertility of a man, which is why you should be extra careful during long stretches of sleep. You should make sure that your body temperature is right and that you are not boiling your private parts for 7-9 hours every single day.

Sleeping naked, or at least without any bottoms on, will help you regulate the heat in the area, making you less prone to fertility issues in the long run.

Avoiding issues stemming from lack of sleep

The full truth to the matter is that sleeping naked will just make you sleep more and better. It’s that simple. However, by doing as little as removing your clothes before bedtime you can avoid several issues in the long run.

First of all, your skin. The term “beauty sleep” exists for a very good reason, as lack of quality sleep will lead to wrinkles, breakouts, acne and more. It will take a toll on your appearance and you will very clearly age faster if you don’t sleep well.

Another huge problem is that exhausted people are more prone to stress and anxiety. This will affect your mental health as a whole and will also make your skin situation worse.

If you sleep very little (less than 5 hours a night on average) then it can also make you gain more weight. Research found that such little sleep can be associated with obesity too, so it’s not just a few kilos either.

A study lasting over 6 years also suggests that less sleep can be a cause for type 2 diabetes. Those who spent 6 hours or less sleeping each night were at the biggest risk, but those who slept between 6 and 8 hours also had an increased risk for the disease. Unfortunately, type 2 diabetes will also make you more prone to heart issues.


Sleeping well and a good amount is healthy for you, that is the key point, however, if you need to be naked to achieve this, then more power to you. It will also come with a few more benefits, although these aren’t completely necessary to everyday life. In the end, sleeping naked might be better on a few fronts, but it is completely up to personal choice whether someone does it, or not.

About Post Author

Hedi Nemeth

I love to write about dating, relationships, the occult and the more alternative side of life. If you see me in a cafe I'll be drinking a hot chocolate and reading a book.
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By Hedi Nemeth

I love to write about dating, relationships, the occult and the more alternative side of life. If you see me in a cafe I'll be drinking a hot chocolate and reading a book.

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