Can CBD oil aid weight loss?
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People like to talk about the relaxing and calming effects of CBD, but that is usually where the conversation ends. We don’t talk about how it affects our digestive system, sexual health and other numerous topics that are just as important

So today we will be touching on how CBD affects weight loss.

CBD vs Cannabis

Let’s start by getting the obvious out of the way: CBD is not the same as cannabis, however it does make up about 40% of the plant’s extract. Some people might confuse the effects of the two. The difference is that cannabidiol (CBD) doesn’t have THC in it.

This means that it won’t cause psychoactive effects, unlike a the buds or resin from a cannabis plant.

So, when it comes to weight loss you might wonder whether CBD could give you the munchies the same way marijuana would. Well, according to experts, THC is the ingredient which makes you have certain cravings, therefore cannabidiol or CBD should not cause any more hunger for you than usual.

Instead, if you struggle with an upset stomach or nausea the oil might actually calm down your digestive system enough for you to eat. This shouldn’t be a problem, since you shouldn’t try to diet on a problematic digestive system.

Cannabis use is also associated with lower body weight. It is unclear whether CBD oil has a part to play in this statistic, and if so, how, as research hasn’t delved too far into the matter. Although, it can be hypothesized that since most people consume marijuana by smoking it and smokers tend to have lower body weights as well, that these two correlate more than CBD and weight loss.

CBD oil and weight loss

People have discovered quite a few ways to lose weight with CBD, although they are still debatable and require more testing, especially because none of these studies were done on humans. They were either done with lab rats or in test tubes, which you should take into consideration before experimenting on yourself.

Suppressing appetite

Research shows that the receptors that are receiving cannabinoids serve one big function: signaling is to maintain whole body energy homeostasis.

To simplify this sentence: when CBD enters your body your entire system that is responsible for your energy will become aware of it. When you block this receptor (CB1) it can decrease appetite and induce hypophagia, while promoting the receptor can do the exact opposite.

This means that if you mainly have a problem with controlling your appetite, then consuming CBD oil regularly might be a way to lose weight.

Although, since there haven’t been many studies about the matter you need to be aware of a risk they found: the blockade of CB1 resulted in psychiatric side effects. If you are prone to mental illness you should talk to your doctor before using CBD for weight loss.

If you have thyroid issues or hormonal balances blocking a receptor or two won’t make a difference when it comes to slimming down, though.

Turning “bad fat” into “good fat”

There are two types of fat in a person’s body. What we would refer to as “bad fat” is white in color, and its main purpose is to just exist, it stays in the same place and you can’t really get rid of it. It stores energy and cushions your organs.

The “good kind of fat” is darker, closer to brown, and it’s the fat you burn when you go into a calorie deficit. It isn’t very stubborn, so if you decide to go on a diet, then this will be one of the first things to go. Thankfully, you can turn white fat into brown fat, meaning that you can get rid of every little bit if you know how the process works.

And if you know how losing weight works you also know that with every pound you lose, it’s both fat and muscle that you are getting rid of. By providing your body with more brown fat to burn, you might be able to minimize the loss of muscle and definition.

It was proven during a test-tube study that CBD oil can help certain markers in genes become more expressed, some of which can help promote the browning of fat. It also improves the production of proteins that help white fat turn brown, while blocking proteins that would keep the fat in place.

This means that you would still need to go into a calorie deficit to lose weight, however, you could lose it from the places where fat is the most stubborn (lower belly, back, thighs). From this perspective CBD oil doesn’t affect weight loss, however, it does help with sculpting your body.

CBD and insulin

Insulin resistance is quite common and it’s associated with weight gain and even diabetes. Insulin is released into the body after eating, so that it can transport blood sugar all throughout the body. This is what keeps a person energized.

With insulin resistance you aren’t as capable of utilizing your food and thus, the blood sugar, making you feel tired and crave more food. Thus, you start to gain weight, as you need more sustenance for the same amount of energy.

However, a 2018 study showed that CBD, THC and other components of the marijuana plant have the potential to improve the process and reduce insulin resistance in people. Once again, this hasn’t been tested very thoroughly, although the research has a very promising future.

About Post Author

Hedi Nemeth

I love to write about dating, relationships, the occult and the more alternative side of life. If you see me in a cafe I'll be drinking a hot chocolate and reading a book.
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By Hedi Nemeth

I love to write about dating, relationships, the occult and the more alternative side of life. If you see me in a cafe I'll be drinking a hot chocolate and reading a book.

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