How to date without apps?
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Let’s be honest, the Tinder Effect has pretty much killed dating for all but the most dedicated dating app afficionados. If you’ve been on the dating scene in London, or anywhere for that matter, chances are you’ve had enough of weirdos, ghosting or just plain rude behaviour.

You’re not alone either. People are increasingly looking to alternatives to dating apps – although this also often means other dating apps such as Bumble.

Wherever you’re based though, chances are there are some real world alternatives to Tinder. So if you’re wondering how to find a date or that potential love match without apps, stay tuned…

Is Tinder still good in 2022?

Honestly, as dating apps go, Tinder is still the big dog. Like Facebook or Instagram, you might be starting to hate it a bit, but it has the biggest audience share and it’s still a solid dating app. There is a reason why Tinder is so popular.

So yes, Tinder is still good.

But it is the gamification or social media-ization of dating which is turning more of us off. The ease with which people choose to drop people, or simply the troll style behaviour that many women experience (and some men too).

And that is why more of us are looking for ways to date without dating apps.

So, what can you do?

1. Get out more

In London, chances are you’re always out anyway – at least several days a week right? And this doesn’t even have to mean the traditional pulling haunts like bars or nightclubs.

Art galleries, food markets, sporty meetups like Parkrun, the gym, networking events…. Literally anywhere where you can meet other people.

This might sound like an obvious option, and if you’re a singleton chances are you’re already on the case. But build up that list of black book numbers the old fashioned way – by meeting new people!

2. Talk to strangers

This could fall under the same heading as above – after all, you need to talk to strangers to meet new people, right?

And yes, it is part of the same element of meeting people.

But breaking down the barriers and starting a chat with people while you’re waiting for the tube or bus, at work, or while you’re in Tesco Metro, all great ways to build your confidence and meet more people.

3. Dating events

There are no shortage of dating events in London, with something happening somewhere pretty much every night of the week. From speed dating to singles parties, book yourself in and get mingling….

Don’t know where to look? Eventbrite, and Design My Night are all packed full of fun events for singles.

4. Host (and attend) private events

The old friend of a friend – always a great way to meet hot new potential dates. So how do you meet your mates hot friend? Well, you can throw a cocktail party at yours, or do a Come Dine With Me style rotating dinner party every week/month.

You could even just organise a get together at the pub, or if you’ve got a yard or garden big enough, throw a BBQ! You never know who you might meet.

5. The new hobby

What better way to meet people with the same interests as you than to start following a new hobby. Or resurrecting an old one?

Again, in London, there are tons of places and events you can go and learn something new with likeminded people. Learn Spanish (or whatever language) and head to a language meetup. Join a sports club. Sign up for a cooking class…

The list is pretty much endless. Follow your inspiration and you’re sure to meet someone cool!

You never know, you might even need to go wedding ring shopping!

About Post Author

Gesten van der Post

Is he the Keyser Soze of the content writing world? Maybe. Gesten writes for a variety of online magazines and several businesses too.
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By Gesten van der Post

Is he the Keyser Soze of the content writing world? Maybe. Gesten writes for a variety of online magazines and several businesses too.

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