A young woman with nipple piercing, does it help sex and sensual experience?
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If you pay any attention to people around you, especially here in the London and the UK, you probably have noticed there are a lot of nipple piercings about. But why? Is it just an image thing or is there something else to it… Beyond being cool, can having nipple piercings heighten your sensual pleasure?

Yes, the age-old question for piercing enthusiasts: can nipple piercings make sex better? Or is it just a myth?

Well, today I’m going to tell you all about it both from personal experience and from the experiences of others, so buckle in.

Nipple piercings will make things harder in the short term

I’m sorry to say this, but if you get your nipples pierced then you will need to wait a while before you can really play with them.

And no, I don’t mean a few weeks, or even 3 months like with a helix piercing. In reality, you will likely need a year to heal your nipple piercings fully.

It is absolutely essential to heal the piercing completely before you start to actively stimulate the area since it can either get infected or your body might start rejecting the piercing. It really isn’t a place to have a scar, especially because scar tissue isn’t very sensitive, which is exactly the opposite of what you would want around your nipples. Not only this, but you need to keep bodily fluids away from the piercing too, which includes both saliva and semen.

And let me tell you, as long as those crusties are there, you do not want anyone’s mouth near your piercing.

First of all, it’s incredibly gross to suck on a crusty, as far as I’m aware they are a bit bitter and sour, which can make for an awful surprise for your partner.

Not only this, but if you have cleaned your crusties away (which you should be doing quite often) you will still encounter problems. For example, if your partner’s saliva gets into the piercing hole it can get infected and/or create a bump on your nipple. These are not fun to heal, especially because they increase the chances of the piercing rejecting or forming a keloid.

You also need to keep away from public pools and the swimming in sea (yes, even despite the salt content) and any kind of fluids that you don’t know the hygiene of.

Can nipple piercings make sex better after they are healed?

The short answer is: it depends.

For some people, the piercings increase sensitivity, while for others it decreases it. It really only depends on your own body and its reaction to a foreign object within it. You also need to take your already existing sensitivity into account.

For example, if you are already really sensitive then nipple piercings will be a nightmare at first. But they might solve your over sensitivity in the long run and you can engage in nipple play much more. However, it also might make everything more sensitve, there really is no way to know.

Then again, f you don’t have much feeling in your nipples it might help increase the sensitivity. Many people have gotten nipple piercings for style purposes only to find them increasing their enjoyment of nipple play and their sensitvity.

If you do get lucky with your nipple piercing…

I am one of the lucky ones, for me, these piercings made a world of a difference. And believe me when I say that the answer to whether nipple piercings make sex better is yes. 100% yes.

Not only do they provide a different sensation you will also have something to play around with. Carefully though, but still.

Because of the sensitivity you can extend foreplay without it becoming either too much or to oboring. If your sex life is struggling because of foreplay (ladies, I’m looking at you, men don’t pay enough attention to it usually, right?) this is a great way to get your partner into it.

It’s a new thing about your body, something that’s interesting and your partner probably hasn’t dealt with before. Also, let’s be honest, nipple piercings are sexy and guys love something a bit different in the bedroom.

Having all kinds of jewellery in your nipples is part of the fun

You might think that nipple piercings can only consist of the typical barbells or hoops. Well, even if you would only have these options they could still be fun, but there is all kinds of jewellery out there these days that you can get.

Nipple piercings can look cool and feel good during sex too

Nipple hoops

Let’s start with the simplest one: the hoops. These can be any color you would like them to be and they can have a bit of decoration on them too, like small metal balls. These are easy to find and get used to, however you definitely need to be past the healing stage to be able to use one since they can irritate you way more than a regular piercing.

Nipple bars

Next up are barbells. Now these are much more fun since you can customize both parts of it. The bar part can be any color you’d like, it can even have small patterns on it (although, let’s be honest, that will never really be visible).

Nipple bars also tend to be the most aesthetic and cool looking. And if you want to change them yourself, they’re probably the easiest nipple piercing to handle.

Gem and novelty piercings

My favorite part is the rest though. The actual bells at the end of the bar can be incredible. They can be basically any shape, so you can have hearts on the sides of your nipples.

They can be colored millions of different ways too, so everyone can find something that is in line with their own style. For example, if you want to go all out you can have those red kinds of hearts with a devil tail on their end.

Or if you want them to be funny you can even have bells that are shaped like donuts. For edgy people there are spiky bells. The possibilities really are endless here, nipple jewelry has quite the variety.

But last, you have the fancy kind of nipple piercings. These usually have little gems embedded in them, they can be coated with gold and sometimes they even have little chains attached to them.

They are absolutely gorgeous, however, you do want to be careful if you decide to get one of these. A pair of them might look stunning on you but if your partner isn’t careful then they can rip out quite easily, especially if they have chains on them. They are also much heavier than other nipple piercings so if you haven’t healed completely don’t even think about getting a pair of these bad boys.

Why get nipple piercings?

If you’re unsure about getting nipple piercings, then here are some extra reasons to go for it.

  • They look super cool and sexy on women – they are a very typical egirl style too
  • You may experience increased sensitivity in your nipples
  • They’re a fun extra way to add style to your outfit (yes people can see them through your outfit right)

Feeling really daring or looking for a piercing to enhance sex? Read our guide to the VCH piercing, aka the clit piercing… (it’s not as bad as you think!)

Has this article convinced you to go out and get your nipples pierced? Or do you already think sex is good enough without extra piercings and stuff… Let us know in the comments.

About Post Author

Hedi Nemeth

I love to write about dating, relationships, the occult and the more alternative side of life. If you see me in a cafe I'll be drinking a hot chocolate and reading a book.
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By Hedi Nemeth

I love to write about dating, relationships, the occult and the more alternative side of life. If you see me in a cafe I'll be drinking a hot chocolate and reading a book.

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